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Revitive Circulation Booster


Revitive Circulation Booster

£10 per month
(minimum 3 months use recommended)

Registered Patients Only
 all other enquiries will be ignored.

Revitive medic

I am asked on a daily basis 'how can I get rid of this swelling in my legs?'. Well, I believe there is an answer if your swelling is related to poor venous return (for more information, please click here).

I have no affiliation with this product or company, I was just keen to have something else to suggest other than the old adage 'just sit with your feet up'. 

I have a Revitive Medic which you may rent for £10.00 per month (exclusively available for my registered patients only) to see whether the product works for you before you take the plunge and buy the machine.

Please note: Revitive offer a 60 day try-it-or-your-money-back trial. If you are not a registered patient, please refer to Revitive directly to try the machine.

For more information, have a look at their website or please get in touch.

You can book an Initial Assessment here if you would like to register as a patient to discuss whether Revitive could be helpful for you and to arrange rental.


No Registration - No Revitive; simple as that! External enquiries will not be responded to.

Revitive how it works
Revitive controls
Revitive pulses up the leg
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